Business Coaching for Teams.

If you’re a manager, executive or business owner, you have an great responsibility to take care of your people.

As a leader, your role is to influence without authority to achieve a shared goal in an inclusive, kind and humble way. Leading and developing a team is very different from leading and developing yourself. You may have progressed your career to the point where more of your work is about leading and developing others. As the great Marshall Goldsmith said “What got you here won’t get you there”.

Who can benefit from team coaching?

It’s crucial to understand the part everyone plays and the value each team player brings.

If your team needs to work together to overcome a challenge or complete a project, I will provide them with all the tools they need to succeed.

Your team will benefit from coaching in any of the following scenarios…

Existing team

Do you have an already established team that needs additional support to make their internal cooperation more effective? My coaching session will provide team members with more clarity and understanding of themselves and their role within a team as well as their colleagues.

New leader in an existing team

I will set your new leader up for success with their team by ensuring everyone has clarity over roles and their shared objectives. Your team will leave the session fully understanding the role of their leader and what they need to accomplish to succeed together.

Creating a team

You’ve formed a new team and given them a brief to overcome a business challenge. I will work with your team to help them achieve this, ensuring everyone in the team is aligned to the business goals and understand the part they will play in achieving them.

Business coaching sessions for teams.

My unique team coaching sessions are interactive, fun and enlightening. They’re designed to help you create a high performing team and unlock potential to achieve your business goals.

Step 1: Personality Assessments

Individual personality assessments are carried out for each team member and feedback is delivered in a supportive and engaging way based on the results.

Step 2. Team Feedback

The team them comes together in an interactive group session to achieve an objective agreed with the team leader, using the results from the assessments.

Your team will leave the session with clarity on…

Team Dynamics

You and more importantly, your team will gain a better understanding of work personality, likely strengths and weaknesses, indication of learning styles and attitudes, as well as how individuals may respond when placed under pressure.

Team Performance

Your team members will reach a better understanding of themselves and each other. I will work with your team to uncover how it currently functions and what it requires to make it successful.

Team Goals

Aligning everyone to the business goal is essential to achieving it. The coaching uses behavioural and personality profiling to establish key strengths, improve communication and keep everyone on track to achieve their shared goals.


Your team will build trust, creating a safe and secure environment where sharing and receiving feedback in a constructive way becomes the everyday norm.

All sessions can be tailored to suit your own specific requirements.

Book a FREE half hour discovery session with Michelle and see how you can unlock your team’s full potential.

Two women in an office setting, one standing and smiling, the other seated at a computer, with framed art on the wall in the background.

Working with Michelle…

“To lead a team well, there must be trust, healthy conflict, commitment to the goal, accountability and the results themselves.

My coaching model will take any leader and team through all the above in a combination of individual and group coaching sessions.

I use behavioural and personality profiling to establish key strengths of every individual, improve communication, keep everyone accountable and on track to achieve your desired business outcome.”

“Michelle trained our HR team on how to implement a superb attraction and hiring process - not only did we make better faster and quality hiring decisions, we even won an award for our new careers page!”

— Ceris Lovett, HR Business Partner, Tensar International

Build a high performing team.

Did you know that teams are responsible for carrying out 85/90% of the work in organisations? How much time do you invest in developing your teams? My coaching will help yours achieve...

Understanding & honesty

Individuals understand the part they play and how they add value to the team. Your team will be able to show vulnerability and be honest without taking it personally.

Accountability & recognition

When everyone in the team recognises the contribution each person makes, they will be able to hold each other to account in order to succeed and grow together.

Self awareness & teamwork

The team understand the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Teams will be able to build trust and openness with each other.

“Not strategy, not finance, not technology, it is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”

— Patrick Lecioni

Business team coaching FAQs.


Why is it important to invest in coaching for my team?

Team coaching provides invaluable access to a toolkit of assessments that help you explore the behaviours of your employees. These results can be used by you and your team to enhance performance as you begin to understand what impact individual employees are likely to have on team dynamics.

Who should take part in the coaching session?

Team dynamic sessions are usually initially carried out with the senior leadership team. However, they're even more effective when the objectives, learning and understanding flows down to the teams the leaders are responsible for.

Can you tailor the session to my exact requirements?

Yes absolutely, this is when team coaching can have the most impact! Sessions will be tailored to suit your company, department or team objectives and the individuals involved. Aligning the coaching to your specific business goals ensures the best chance of success.

What will my team gain from the session?

Your team will leave the coaching session with a clear understanding of themselves and their colleagues as well as a toolkit of resources to refer to back to after the training.

My blog.

The latest guides and advice on all things coaching, people, development and culture.