Workforce Planning.
Workforce planning is very broad - what does it even mean?
To us it means having a process which aligns changing organisational needs with a people plan. It doesn’t need to be complicated, It provides market and industry intelligence and identifies supply and demand, the gap and the solution.
Talent Attraction & Hiring | People Strategy | Workforce Planning
It should of course be about the size of the workforce, but more importantly it’s about the skills within the workforce.
Traditionally many organisations make it about headcount, operations and forecasting, essentially looking to the size of the workforce based on what the needs of the organisation is aligned around the business plan.
It should of course be about the size of the workforce, but more importantly it’s about the skills within the workforce.
Workforce planning is also critical to generate more learning pathways and growth opportunities for employees, if businesses are going to retain and develop the best talent.
Organisations can foster their own talent, mobilise their workforce and create an internal talent marketplace within their own business, future proofing their talent and skills whilst developing their current biggest asset, their people.
With an ageing workforce, skills shortages and talent scarcity, forecasting future demand and supply of talent is one of the most critical challenges facing organisations. A longer term, more proactive approach to talent management is required to make effective and efficient use of all available talent.
Consider Data Analytics
Businesses need to find ways to empower not just business leaders but people/line managers with the workforce data available.
Managers and leaders play an incredibly important role in the development, management and retention of talent in any business. This is about helping to develop a deeper insight into behaviours, performance, engagement, wellbeing, flexibility and work life balance. All these areas remain the corner stones of what employees can expect from their workplace.

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