Consultancy Overview.

Work with Michelle to unlock the potential in your business

Talent Attraction & Hiring | People Strategy | Workforce Planning

Consultancy Services

Working with Michelle means she will work in partnership with your HR Lead and C suite to support as much or as little of the three fundamental elements to ensuring your people are front and centre of the organisation by covering a deep understanding of your Talent Attraction and Hiring processes, your People Strategy and your Workforce Plan.

Typically it starts with an initial discovery phase to look at one or all of these services uncovering what is happening now, what to need to implement a solution and how together we can build a simple people plan to address the gap to reach the outcomes you need for your business.

A typical discovery plan can take between three to five days but rest assured you will have at the end of the project a full report on the findings, a list of recommendations, the mapping of internal processes an external overview and a simple people plan to take action..

Businesswoman posing in an office hallway with company signs on the wall that read 'cummins mellor,' 'CJUK,' and 'One Family ~ Different Journeys ~ Same Goal'.

Discovery Phase

The Discovery Phase includes looking at and gaining an understanding of the following:

  • Organisational Background inc Mission Vision & Values

  • External Labour Market and future of Work & Skills overview

  • A People Centred Approach Philosophy

  • Talent Acquisition Methods (TA)

  • Employer Branding Overview(EB)

  • Employee Value Proposition ( EVP)

  • Flexible & Agile Working   

  • Job Roles & Skills needs

  • Mapping the Market Sectors

  • Workforce Demand Forecasting

  • The Recruitment & Hiring Process

  • Job Adverts & Job Boards

  • The Application Process

  • The Interview Process

  • Candidate journey & experience

  • Onboarding & Off boarding

  • Recruitment Marketing including social media, website and careers pages

  • Data & Technology

  • Diversity Equity & Inclusion metrics

  • HR and People Analytics including Cost of Hire, Time to hire, staff turnover & attrition rates

To build a strong business, you’ll have the competitive edge if you have the very best people.

Over my career I have built multiple successful businesses that are thriving today using the same fundamental techniques I use to achieve maximum performance by unlocking your businesses potential.

People Strategy

Two women in a professional office setting, one standing and smiling, and the other seated at a desk with a laptop, both engaged in conversation; abstract art and a television are on the wall behind them.

People are the heart and soul of every organisation, the biggest asset and also the biggest investment.

Workforce Planning

Group of four young adults sitting at a table, smiling and using laptop and tablet, in a casual setting.

Ensuring that your organisation has the right people, with the right skills, in the right places, at the right time.

Talent Attraction & Hiring

Two women in a business meeting, one seated with a laptop and the other standing by a table, with framed abstract art on the wall in the background.

Delivering value to your business through helping to hire great talent that will also build culture.

Book a FREE half hour discovery session with Michelle and see how you can unlock your businesses full potential.

My blog.

Check out my latest guides and advice on all things coaching, people, development and culture.